Enkore Kids Search

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Cows Come Home

A nice diversion from the work, we experienced something that would never happen at the Westview Promenade: a small herd of cows walking through our backyard!

The owners came along shortly thereafter in their truck trying to guide them back home. I wish they would have let them graze a bit more since it would have saved us from having to mow the lawn!

Back inside, the work is coming along nicely, though of course everything takes longer than you wish it would. At this point it looks like it'll still be a while before we can officially start being open in Boonsboro. In the meantime, get your Enkore "fix" in Frederick and save big with our Moving Sales! See www.enkorekids.com for details!
Jennifer Guenther
Enkore Kids, LLC
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