Enkore Kids Search

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Enkore Kids: Helping You Make Ends Meet

I think most everyone is worried about the economy these days. We haven't seen times like these since the 1970's. Unemployment is rising, credit is tight, and no one knows quite what to expect.

Enkore Kids can help you earn money in three ways:

  1. Buy Out-Right:
    We buy most kid-related items for cash or twice the amount in store credit upfront at the time of your appointment. This is an important distinction from typical consignment stores because it allows you to turn around and buy the things your kids need now, without having to wait for your items to sell.
  2. Consignment:
    For items we can't buy outright, we sell on consignment where you receive 40% in cash after it sells or 50% in store credit. We list our consigned items in our on-line store or our eBay store to maximize it's selling price for you.
  3. eBay Instruction:
    As we specialize only in kid-related items, I'm sure there are items you may no longer need, but just don't know how to get the most for them. We can help you sell your non-kid related stuff as well with eBay.

    As Maryland's only Certified Education Specialist trained by eBay, I am uniquely qualified to help you sell on eBay. Who knows, maybe you can join the 1.3 million eBay members that earn their living on eBay. Our next class will be held on January 15 & 22 (3 hours each day). Space is limited, so please register now by clicking here.

Enkore Kids can also help you save money.

  1. Wish List:
    Planning ahead can save you big. Many of our popular items come and go within a matter of days. Unless you have the time to stop in daily, you'll miss out on a lot of great stuff. So let us know what you're looking for and we'll call you when it comes in. Our wish list isn't perfect, as some items sell before we've had a chance to call everyone on the list, but it will give you a better chance of catching that unique item you've been looking for.
  2. Email:
    By giving us your current email address, you'll get notified of current sales, receive email-only coupons, and find out about new items.
  3. On-Line:
    Shopping on-line can save you time and after all time is money. You can select for in-store pickup at no charge if you're local. And if you'd rather pickup your items from Frederick, we can arrange for that as well at no charge.
  4. Every Day Great Deals:
    Our prices on our new items are among the lowest in the area and our new-to-you items are generally priced at least 1/2 off of new.

So while the economy may be uncertain and many people are putting off every expense possible, you don't need to have your kids do without. Enkore Kids can help you find money in your no-longer needed items and stretch your dollar further when you make your next purchase.

Jennifer Guenther
Enkore Kids, LLC
Posted by Enkore Kids, LLC

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